

Collecting tactile sensations in my home.



Home Tactile Map


Items in my home

Group 1

  1. Emotion flashcard with a hard cardboard box
  2. Envelope
  3. Opened letters
  4. Wooden puzzle with wooden box
  5. Medicine in a rectangular box
  6. Handmade flashcards tied together by a rubber band
  7. Jewelry box
  8. Tissue in a square box
  9. Heating pads with plastic packaging

Items 1-9 are the things that I touch the least during my daily activities. However, since I barely touched them so I remember most of the location of each items, so when I was touching each of them I can guess what I was touching based on my memory. Things like the wooden puzzle (4) is the easiest thing to recognize because the wooden puzzle was my favorite game when I first came to the U.S. and I remember how it felt like in the tip of my fingers.

Group 2

  1. Soft pencil case with ballpoint pens.
  2. Soft pencil case with colorful pens
  3. Clay pot for tools
  4. Water flosser
  5. Instant coffee from Trader Joe's
  6. Coconut flour from Trader Joe's
  7. Laptop holder
  8. Kombucha bottle from Whole Food's

For this group, I'm able to recognize all of them. However, when I was touch different pens, I couldn't tell what type of pens I was touching and I couldn't tell what color it is. I was wondering if color has a braille system then it will be so much easier for me to recognize.

Group 3

  1. Tote bag from Science Hack Day
  2. Black wool coat
  3. Towel
  4. Tote bag
  5. White knitted coat
  6. Coat
  7. Umbrella
  8. Black oxford shoes
  9. White sneaker
  10. Scarf

I use the items in this section everyday so I know exactly where they located and how they feels like. It was surprising tho when the moment I realize the two tote bag I'm using actually feels very different and I was able to differentiate them; (#18 is thinner than #21)

Group 4

  1. Night cream
  2. Night cream
  3. Facial cleaning pads
  4. Bluetooth speaker
  5. Shoes oil
  6. Candle
  7. Facial cream
  8. Wood plug
  9. Facial cream

This group is all about the circular shapes. Most of them are facial cream. I didn't use them so often but when I touch them I still able to recognize which is which because the differences of size, weight, height and texture.

Creating Symbol for Textures

It is easy to create a symbol for one outstanding feature/ texture like sharp or smooth but it's very hard to create a symbol for subjective features like thick and thin (how thick consider as thick and how thin consider as thin?) Also, applying one texture on one object is easy but most of objects contain more than one texture (it could be both shining and thin, rough and thick with sharp edge, soft and shining with sharp edge, etc...) It is very hard to try to describe an object by using one symbolic texture icon.