

Summary of Topic Exploration



Natural Interfeace


This week's topic for exploration is Natural interface conducted by Nathalia, Grace, Elijah and Jimmy. Jimmy started the presentation by zooming and rearrange text projected on the wall. It totally grabbed my attention from the beginning of the presentation. On the back of my mind I know it is an animation played by keynote, but the fact that seeing text reacted to Jimmy's gesture input was a spark. Then Nat came in and talked about the history of how on screen interaction evolved and jumped into natural interface. In order to help us understand what natural interface is, they played a video by Microsoft Research center which brought up a very important point; it is not able the technology, it is about how the human using the product. Even though the video was from 20 years ago, some of the concept has been applied in AV/VR; like when you move you head in VR, your view chances. This proof that the ultimate goal of interaction should be intuitive.

For the activity, the present group form the entire class into group of three and gave those group a action/topic to control using body. The topic we got was file management. It was inspirational to think about our body as part of control panel. When we were thinking how could we tag a file, almost all of us immediately thinking about tap a person as the command for tagging the file; when we were talking about how to delete a file, one of our teammate naturally act out the action of "kicking off" as detelet. Apparently, when we leave the digital screen setting, the action that we think of for controlling is more natural instead of pre-designed. (kicking vs dragging on screen). It is worth to thinking about how can we bring natural interface in our design because it more natural for human to adapt.
