

Quick summary of what I'm going to do for Fall 2019


*Summary *Problems & situation *Timeline *Work plan


Webflow, Notion

Interactive Ecosystem Map

Climate change has taken affect on our daily lives but haven't get enough attention yet. By building an interactive installation that showcase how human activities affects environment golably, I hope I can raise the awareness of environmental changes.
1 week

Problem & situation 

1.Global warming and climate change now are affecting every country on every continent. Climate change is disrupting the economy growth amount nations and affecting living features.

2. People know about climate change but not fully educated how climate change will affect our daily lives which result in us underestimate its effects 

3. Climate Action is the 13th SDG. And now affordable, scalable solutions are available for countries to take action. However, action from top down is far more slower to be adapted by people. That’s why gathering people bottom up for action taking is way more powerful than the top down process 


By showcasing the causal relationship between climate change and human activities, we can raise the awareness of climate change from bottom up to speed up the action taking process. 

Goals for my work

-convey actionable suggestion during my installation

-focus on the content itself rather then the interaction part/technology part

-narrow down to one specific area.

-figure out where to pull out data.

-thinking about how can I scale this project.

Rough Timeline

Sep 20-26: Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) research. Research on why does it matter and what can we do. Brainstorming 3-5 ideas based on climate change.

Sep 27: refining my project goal and approach.  Look for academic research and unlock the possibility of making it interactive

Oct 3: finalize concept and do deep in research 

Nov 1: prototyping

Dec 13: finish prototyping


-J.D. Beltran, a professor from our school's Imapc Lab

-classmates, for asking question and feedbacks

-LEED, USGBC, SDG’s, as reference

-TouchDesigner, a digital software tool that will helps me build a interactive installation